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Channel 8 News
Total Maine

Regional Winner - Top Gun 

Austin Donnelly, our Farm Manager won the Top Gun Regional competition and participated in the State Finals.  Thanks to the Maine Center for Entrepreneurs' (MCE) Top Gun program for it's leadership.  


Shared Waters Program

We participated in the 12 week program called "Aquaculture in Shared Waters" offered by CEI, University of Maine faculty, Sea Grant associates, Maine Aquaculture Association, Maine Aquaculture Innovation Center and the Down East Institute. The classes are full of amazing instructors and Mainers who want to do right by our resources.  

Misty Forest Reflection

Shellfish Growers Climate Coaliton - SGCC

Butterfield Shellfish is a member of the SGCC a part of the Nature Conservancy.  On August 22nd, we held a fundraiser on the water and raised $1,367 for the cause.  September 21st is the start of Climate Week.  Keith talks about the farm and his environmental roots in this 3 minute audio  story link hosted by SGCC's Heard on the Half Shell. 

keith at royalriv.jpeg

Portland Press Herald

In his letter to the editor in the Maine Sunday Telegram, Keith linked the benefits of oyster farming to sea grass growth and healthy marine ecosystems.  For the full piece on-line:


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